Visual Merchandising Manual

Ignite the Imagination with Product Grouping. Products grouped together can put a customer’s. ICSC: International Council of Shopping Centers. As you will learn from working through this manual, visual merchandising is a consequential field in retailing. Both quantitative and qualitative research shows that visual merchandising has a direct impact on consumer behavior, and has the ability to increase sales. This lab has two parts. Catriona was brought into Rebel Sport to complete a full overhaul of the Visual Merchandising Department. This included a re-structure of the department, creation of the new print and graphics package, creation of the minimum standards manual.

  1. Nike Visual Merchandising Manual
  2. Visual Merchandising Career
  3. Visual Merchandising Definition
  4. Visual Merchandising Degree

Nike Visual Merchandising Manual

Store Layout and Merchandize Exposure
Costumers cannot make impulse purchases instore, if they cannot see the products. Therefore, the more products costumers can see, the more purchases they will make. By making smart use of the retail floor space available, the store layout can ‘force’ shoppers to pass a large part of the aisles in the store and increase the exposure to products. Other techniques are positioning products that consumers ‘need’, in corners or at the back of the store, extending the journey that shoppers make in the store and thus increasing product exposure. In contrast, products that customers ‘want’ should be at the be front of the store to lure people in the store, this is also called the Magpie effect.

Visual Merchandising Career

Besides exposing customers to as many products as possible, the store layout should also provide the shopper with a pleasant and exciting shopper’s journey through the store. Product grouping is important here; depending on the product type, product grouping can be per brand or product category for example.


Standardy pomáhají udržovat tvou maloobchodní sít, služby, interiér a exteriér na vysoké úrovni.
Dodržováním standardů, přinášíš svým klientům stabilní nákupní zážitky a zabraňuje to, aby úroveň prodejny upadala a obraty prodejny se snižovaly.

Visual Merchandising Manual


Manuals help to disseminate consistent information about brand philosophy, techniques of visual presentations and merchandising, best practices and sales skills and VM, which are required by brand. Manuals help employees maintain the brand standards and bring examples how to achieve the best level of customer environment.
The manuals are an inspirational material which can helps with employee training and immediate counseling, how to properly make up the shop and solve problems associated with retail space.


Visual Merchandising Definition


Visual Merchandising Degree

We are able to create a printed manual or e-media like website, interactive manual, … If it’s necessary, we will update the manuals to keep your brand in the best across all stores and you could ensure to providing the quality shopping experience to your customers.